About Owen

This author has not yet written his bio.
Meanwhile let's just say that we are proud Owen contributed with 3 entries.

Entries by Owen

You Are Not Abnormal

You Are Not Abnormal

Photo by Jonas Verstuyft on Unsplash

I can tell what’s coming by the look on your face. How your eyes dart to the floor.

“You’re going to think I’m awful,” you’ll say. “I haven’t been keeping my accounting up-to-date.”

I get it.

Accounting sucks.

When you have 100 things to do to grow your business the last thing you want to do before bed is enter receipts in Quickbooks or organize the crumpled stack of papers to send to your bookkeeper.

You are not abnormal. I hear something like that from nearly every new client who walks into our office. I’ve even had to make […]

Making The Story Even Richer

Making The Story Even Richer

“Cheap storytelling is a cheap pattern writing machine. If there’s something that violates the pattern, if you incorporate it into the story, often it makes the story even richer. It’s at first blush uncomfortable, because you had this neat story. Sometimes the better stories are messier.” – Michael Lewis, bestselling author

I was happy to stumble across this quote from one of my favourite authors. It seemed a great reintroduction of our blog because:

it addresses something I hope I can do in my writing and
it applies to how I think you should look at your financial results.

Often people […]

Looking Forward

Looking Forward

Accountants get a bad rap for looking backward. So, we resisted the temptation to post about our fifth anniversary, which we celebrated last week. Instead, we’re looking forward to what’s to come in year six for Adams Green.

For starters, we’re excited to present our new website, courtesy of Dan Culberson and Kate Wallace. Dan did the design, photos and all the technical stuff. Kate helped us by pulling our random thoughts into logical sentences. Plus, she took some time to speak with a few of our customers to develop some great examples of how we […]